The Gilbertsville-Mount Upton Central School District is accepting Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten student registrations for the 2025-2026 school year.
Pre-Kindergarten Registration
District residents with children who will be age 4 before December 1, 2025, can register/apply for our full-day Pre-Kindergarten program.
Those who are interested should call Registrar Kristy Carey at 607-783-2207, ext. 103. Mrs. Carey will provide information for obtaining an application.
All Pre-Kindergarten applications must be returned to the Main Office by noon March 28, 2025.
Kindergarten Registration
District residents with children who will be age 5 before December 1, 2025, are eligible to register for Kindergarten.
Please call Registrar Kristy Carey at 607-783-2207, ext. 103, to arrange an appointment.
The following items are required at the time of registration:
- Child’s Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Social Security Card
- Three proofs of residency
Please Note: Students who are already attending our Pre-K program during the current school year do not need to register for Kindergarten.
If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Carey at 607-783-2207, ext. 103.

Posted 1/28/2025