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2023-2024 End of Year Awards 9-12
Congratulations to GMU students in Grades 9-12 who earned End of Year Awards for the 2023-2024 school year. Winners were honored June 3 at the GMU Auditorium. See photos on our Facebook page!
Grade 12 Award Winners (6/2024)

Barnes, Mackenzie Q.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
BOCES Outstanding Student of the Year in Carpentry
New York State Attorney General's Triple C Award
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Tri Valley All-Star - Soccer - 2nd Team
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Tri Valley All-Star - Basketball - Honorable Mention
Participation in Clay Raiders
Barnes, Morgan E.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
BOCES Outstanding Student of the Year in Conservation
Principal’s Citizenship Award
Office of The New York State Comptroller Achievement Award
National Technical Honor Society DCMO BOCES
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Clay Raiders
Bertrand, Nicholas J.
Participation in Clay Raiders
Breslau, Thomas D.
3rd Quarter High Honor
New York State Attorney General's Triple C Award
National Technical Honor Society DCMO BOCES
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Featured Role
Participation in Clay Raiders
Cotten, Leah M.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Class of 2024 Valedictorian
President’s Education Silver Achievement Award   
Office of The New York State Comptroller Achievement Award
Highest Achieving in Precalculus Award
Outstanding Achievement in TC3 Biology
Davis, Abigail
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
BOCES Most Improved Student of the Year in Carpentry
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Gager, Taylor J.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Outstanding Participation in Economics
Hartwell, Devon
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
WSKG Student Writing Competition 2nd Place  
Office of The New York State Comptroller Achievement Award
Healthy & Physically Active Student Award
Participation in Varsity Soccer
MAC All-Star - Soccer - 2nd Team
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Tri Valley All-Star - Basketball - First Team
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
All-State Basketball Team - Class D (Honorable Mention) Selected by the NY State Sportswriters Association
Student-Athlete who participated in three Varsity Sports
NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete for the Fall, Winter, & Spring Sports seasons
Lindroth, Skylar T.
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Clay Raiders
Most Notable (or Controversial) opinions in History through Film
Livelsberger, Natalie N.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Class of 2024 Salutatorian
2024 Scholar Recognition Award  
Office of The New York State Comptroller Achievement Award
Highest Achievement in Humanity & Society
Rumery Art Award
Excellence in High School STEAM
2024 Outstanding Symphonic Band Member
Participation in Clay Raiders
Lum, Rylee M.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Participation in Clay Raiders
MacNeill, Kyle
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Outstanding Participation in Government
Participation in Clay Raiders
Prentice, Mason
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Principal’s Citizenship Award
Stone, Andrew J.
3rd Quarter High Honor
BOCES Outstanding Student of the Year in Welding
Principal’s Leadership Award
Office of The New York State Comptroller Achievement Award
New York State Attorney General's Triple C Award
Participation in Clay Raiders
Tilley, Mckenna “Sydney” 
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Watanabe, Haruna
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
President’s Education Gold Achievement Award
The "How Are You So Talented?!" Art Award
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Grade 11 Award Winners (6/2024)

Auchmoody, Hunter
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Boys State Representative  
Principal’s Citizenship Award
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Brazee, Levi J.
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Cornell, Ariana N.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
WSK Student Writing Competition 3rd Place
Elmira College Key Award
Keuka College George H. Ball Community Achievement Award
Most Inquisitive in TC3 Biology
Outstanding Discussion in Genocide
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Tri Valley All-Star - Soccer - Honorable Mention
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Otsego All-County Senior Chorus
Otsego All-County Senior Band
NYSSMA Vocal Solo Level VI All State Solo
All State Solo NYSSMA Instrumental Solo Level IV
Zone 8 Area All-State Treble Chorus
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Leading Role
2024 Drum Major
2024 Musician of the Year
Correll, Avriel
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
University of Rochester Bausch and Lomb Science Award
St. Bonaventure Bonnie Scholarship
Girls State Representative
Exceptional Achievement in English 11
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Student-Athlete who participated in three Varsity Sports
NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete for the Fall, Winter, & Spring Sports seasons.
Otsego All-County Senior Chorus
NYSSMA Vocal Solo Level VI All State Solo
Zone 8 Area All-State Treble Chorus
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Leading Role
Covington, Quinn G.
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Outstanding Participation in US History and Government
Most Notable (or Controversial) opinions in History through Film
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Dean-Anderson, Tiannah F.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Participation in JV Softball
Demmon, Kyra B.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter High Honor
Keuka College George H. Ball Community Achievement Award
Outstanding Discussion in Genocide
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Dickey, Myanna G.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Keuka College George H. Ball Community Achievement Award
St. Bonaventure Bonnie Scholarship
Girls State Representative  
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Otsego All-County Senior Chorus
NYSSMA Vocal Solo Level VI All State Solo
Zone 8 Area All-State Mixed Chorus
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Leading Role
Downey, Serenity
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Gee, Kaleigh R.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Highest Achievement in English 11
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Leading Role
Nichols, Paige M.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Keuka College George H. Ball Community Achievement Award
Best Effort in Algebra 2
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Clay Raiders
Pain, Noah M.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
President’s Education Silver Achievement Award  
University of Rochester Xerox Award for Innovation & Information Technology
Outstanding Achievement in Math & Financial Applications
Participation in Varsity Cross Country
MAC All-Star - Cross Country - First Team
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Tri Valley All-Star - Basketball - Honorable Mention
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Student-Athlete who participated in three Varsity Sports
NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete for the Fall, Winter, & Spring Sports seasons
The Section IV Character Counts Award
Peck, Emma Alexis D.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
University of Rochester Fredrick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award
RIT Women in STEM Award
Girls State Representative
Sustained Excellence in Humanity & Society
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Otsego All-County Senior Band
NYSSMA Instrumental Solo Level IV
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Leading Role
Sorochinsky, Alyssa
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Rotary Youth Leadership Representative
University of Rochester “George Eastman Young Leaders Award”
RIT Science and Math Award
Outstanding Participation in US History and Government
Exceptional Achievement in Humanity & Society
Character Excellence Award
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in JV Softball
The Section IV Character Counts Award
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Leading Role
Turnbull, Lindsay N.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
St. Bonaventure Bonnie Scholarship
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Clay Raiders
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Leading Role
Vaccaro, Trista L.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Westford, Anthony V.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter High Honor
WSKG Student Writing Competition 3rd Place
LeMoyne College Heights Award
Boys State Representative  
President’s Education Gold Achievement Award
Principal’s Leadership Award
Outstanding Participation in US History and Government
Most Notable (or Controversial) opinions in History through Film
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Grade 10 Award Winners (6/2024)

Barnes, Jeffrey L.
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Clay Raiders
Beach, Samuel
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Featured Role
Carpenter, Jenna R.
Highest Achievement in English 10
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Davis, Ryan H.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Academic Determination in Earth Science
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
The Marvelous Mathematician Award
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Leading Role
Dibble, Alice K.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
The Sum Participant Math Award
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation JV Basketball
Otsego All-County Senior Chorus
Drapaniotis, Ioannis T.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter High Honor
Exceptional Writing and Analysis in English 10
Participation in Varsity Wrestling  
Favinger, Andrea M.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Award
President’s Education Silver Achievement Award  
Exceptional Writing and Analysis in English 10
The Marvelous Mathematician Award
Spanish El Viajero Award
Character Excellence Award
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Cross Country
MAC All-Star - Cross Country - First Team
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Student-Athlete who participated in three Varsity Sports
NYSPHSAA Scholar Athlete for the Fall, Winter, & Spring Sports seasons.
Otsego All-County Senior Band
NYSSMA Instrumental Solo Level V
Zone 8 Area All State Band
Hartwick Honors Band
2024 Outstanding Symphonic Band Member
Forbes-Conaty, John
Sum Participant Math Award
Hills, Katelyn A.
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
Howard, Bailey J.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Principal’s Leadership Award
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
Participation in Modified Soccer
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Keuhn, Kyle A.
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Lindroth, Jade E.
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation JV Basketball
Participation in Clay Raiders
Lockwood, Madison
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation JV Basketball
Participation in JV Softball
Lopez, Jerson A.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
Lytle, Cecilie “Cameron” E.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
Academic Achievement in Earth Science
Outstanding Participation in Global History 2
The Marvelous Mathematician Award
Otsego All County Senior Band
NYSSMA Instrumental Solo Level V
Zone 8 Area All State Band
Outstanding Award “Stage Crew for a High School Musical“
Marron, Mackenzi L.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
President’s Education Gold Achievement Award
Exceptional Writing and Analysis in English 10
The Mental Mathinator Award
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Nolan, Kira E.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Highest Achievement in English 10
Page, Dylan
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Principal’s Citizenship Award
Participation in Clay Raiders
Perrine, Lillian C.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
Participation JV Basketball
Plows, Alivia G.
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation JV Basketball
Participation in JV Softball
Quiter, Kelsey
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Participation JV Basketball
Rasmussen, Dannaka J.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Highest Achievement in English 10
Highest Achievement in Algebra 2
The Leveled Up Learner Award
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation JV Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Retz, Latham
1st Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
President’s Education Gold Achievement Award
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
Outstanding Participation in Global History 2
Character Excellence Award
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Clay Raiders
SanSoucie, Blake A.
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
Smith, Paige C.
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Vitek, Alivia N.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation JV Basketball
Wildenstein, Caleb D.
Participation in Varsity Football
Participation in Varsity Wrestling
Williams, Kaylin M.
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Wilson, Zachary T.
Exceptional Classroom Contributions in English 10
Participation in Varsity Cross Country
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Student-Athlete who participated in three Varsity Sports
Yasser, Adam A.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Exceptional Writing and Analysis in English 10
Most Inquisitive in Earth Science
The Marvelous Mathematician Award
Outstanding Excellence in 10th grade Health
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
2024 Outstanding Senior Choir Member
Grade 9 Award Winners (6/2024)

Behnke, Payton
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Principal’s Leadership Award
The Marvelous Mathematician Award
Outstanding Participation in Global History 1
Spanish El Luchador Award
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Basketball
Carney, Shane M.
Participation in Clay Raiders
Cuozzo, Morgan E.
Participation in Modified Basketball
Davis, Alexis J.
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Modified Basketball
Participation in JV Softball
Otsego All-County Junior Band
NYSSMA Instrumental Solo Level III
French, Taylor
Participation in Modified Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Gregory, Breanna M.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
President’s Education Silver Achievement Award  
Principal’s Citizenship Award
Outstanding Achievement in Living Environment
Spanish El Gordo Award
The Marvelous Mathematician Award
Participation in Modified Soccer
Participation in Modified Basketball
Hall, Cyrus B.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
Exceptional Writing & Analysis in English 9
NYSSMA Instrumental Solo Level II
Irons, Desirae “Alex” R.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
Participation in Modified Soccer
Participation in Modified Basketball
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Outstanding Performance in a High School Musical Ensemble
Kendall, Brandon
1st Quarter Honor Roll
2nd Quarter Honor Roll
Mantellassi, Mia “Milo”
Outstanding Participation in Global History 1
Exceptional Writing and Analysis in English 9
The "Your Sketchbook Should Be Published" Art Award
Mitcham, Brandon S.
1st Quarter High Honor
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Participation in Modified Track & Field
Norton, Peyton A.
The Marvelous Mathematician Award
Participation in GMU Mock Trial
Participation in Varsity Soccer
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Steeves, Mackenzie
2nd Quarter High Honor
3rd Quarter High Honor
Outstanding Achievement in Living Environment
The Mental Mathinator Award
Participation in Varsity Track & Field
Wilber, Rashaun
Participation in Modified Basketball
The "Mess is a Sign of a Genius!" Art Award
Posted 6/3/2024