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Meet our Seniors of the Month!
The GMU High School Student Council is proud to announce that Kailah Davis and Lane Dibble are the Seniors of the Month for October 2021.

GMU Senior of the Month
Kailah Davis, October 2021
Undeniably, Kailah lives a bustling life, full of friends, school and extracurriculars, all throughout the extra stressors and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kailah is a student who has a smile for all –peers, faculty and staff alike. Kailah has a desire to please and will not rest until she achieves perfection in everything she does. Her teachers have stated, “Kailah puts meticulous effort in everything that she does, big and small.”
Kailah Davis
Kailah is an active member of the GMU community who seems to be involved in everything, even when it seems impossible to understand when she can find time to rest! Kailah has taken leadership roles in clubs such as GSA, Women for a Change, Student Council, Leadership Club, Yearbook and Drama Club. Her work within these clubs has made her a voice for a large portion of the GMU student body.
She is fearless about fighting for what she feels is right and is tenacious about seeing her visions come to life. Her caring, kind and sweet personality has grown into an unassailable strength, which Kailah has used as a voice to advocate for those who cannot always advocate for themselves.

Her passion for music and performing arts have made her an integral part of the musicals and other productions here at GMU since she was in fourth grade! Kailah’s upcoming role as “Ladahlord” in James and the Giant Peach is highly anticipated. Her natural talents as a performer have also landed her as a recurring member at All County and a central part of Ladies Ensemble at GMU. Not only is Kailah a star in front of the audience, but she has done irreplaceable work on set design for several of the shows in which she has starred, and some for the Junior musical.

Kailah’s success in academics never waver from her steep expectations of herself, much like the other parts of her life. While due dates may create an unavoidable deadline that is not always met (call it, the curse of the creative process), the final product that Kailah creates is full of thought, reflection and detail. Kailah’s future will be filled with light, color and music. She will bring dynamic energy to her life and her work in any avenue that she chooses to pursue. Chase your dreams Kailah, and congratulations!

GMU Senior of the Month
Lane Dibble, October 2021
While he’s typically a very quiet student, Lane is active within his community and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Lane has been described by his peers as a great person and someone who is accepting and open to all. Lane may be a student who remains in the background of the happenings at school, but his tenacity and desire to succeed keep him at the forefront academically.
Lane Dibble
Lane has previously participated in the GMU boys basketball program, and is a continuing member of the GMU Clay Raiders, as trap shooting is one of his passions. Lane’s love for the outdoors, desire to learn and commitment to his community has also been instrumental in his membership of the Boy Scouts of America. Lane is currently a Life Scout but is working with his Scout Leaders to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. Lane’s work with the Scouts has given him a responsibility to service and an eminent work ethic. That was apparent over the last year, when, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lane assisted in the GMU food deliveries, loading buses with food every Monday.

During his senior year, Lane is studying Law and Security at BOCES, which is training him for his future plans of service in the military. Lane has a noticeable interest in service, and country, as he has consistently displayed a passion for learning about history and government in several of his social studies courses here at GMU. Lane’s teachers have noticed that Lane takes constructive criticism well and works to better himself at whatever he tries.

Those who want to become close friends with Lane should know that they are earning a lifelong friendship with a person who has a great sense of humor, is caring and helpful, and is always looking to perform his best.

Lane is a leader by example and a role model to all. Lane, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Congratulations!
Posted 10/18/2021