Auto Notification

Auto Notification

Automatic Notification Service (ANS) Information

GMU has implemented ParentSquare as its Automatic Notification Service (ANS) for students, parents, and staff.
This service will be used to provide information of closings, delays and other school events.

While GMU will do its best to maintain accurate phone number information, there may be times when parents may receive no call, or multiple calls. We ask for your help as a parent or guardian of a GMU student to inform us when you make a change to the phone number(s) you'd like us to use for this service.

Items to note when an ANS message is sent:
  • If there is no personal answer when an ANS message is sent, the system will leave a message on an answering machine if one is active.
  • When a message is sent out, please note that the message is voice-activated and there may be a short delay between when someone answers and the message starts - please stay on the line to listen to the message at least once.
Please bear in mind that the service is operated as an addition to official information sources such as the official radio and TV stations used by GMU. These sources and the GMU website can and should be used to confirm information.

Adjustments to the system will be made on a regular basis to insure the most informative yet least intrusive experience. From time to time, we may contact parents to verify that a phone number is correct.

If you are a parent/guardian and:
  • do not receive a call or receive multiple calls,
  • would like to change the phone number(s) to be used for notification,,
  • or have other constructive feedback,
You may:
Please note that you will receive a phone call to confirm identity and the number to be used when a request is presented to us.

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